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At Risk for Serious Mental Health Issues Mental Health Risk (Gender)

The percentage of Wyoming students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 who are considered to be at-risk for serious mental health issues. The risk was determined using a six-item mental health screening measure (K6 scale).

Youth: Female16%22%24%28%33%31%
Youth: Male10%12%13%16%19%16%

Note: The March 2020 school closures for COVID-19 mitigation efforts interrupted PNA data collection, resulting in lower response rates and less participation than typical survey years. The 2020 PNA survey results are unweighted. Users should be cautious when making comparisons between 2020 and other survey years. K6 Mental Health Screening Scale

SOURCE: PNA 2012-2022

About the Data

© Wyoming Prevention Depot, a project of the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center at the University of Wyoming