About the Wyoming SEOW
The Wyoming State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) is a committee within the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division.
The Wyoming SEOW collects data from various primary and secondary surveillance sources focusing on the topics of substance abuse, mental health, and tobacco
use prevention in Wyoming. The SEOW reports and disseminates these data on the current website. It also serves as a decision-making group to identify and
fill, as resources permit, the data needs related to those same topics. In that role, the SEOW reviews data results as they become available and integrates
those results into the different data products commissioned by the SEOW. As needed, it uses the data results it has curated to make recommendations to the
Wyoming Department of Health on how to best use the prevention resources that are available in the state.
To meet the needs of prevention programs, the SEOW is divided into four subcommittees that meet regularly throughout the year as projects are identified:
- Data Subcommittee
- Survey Subcommittee
- Evidence-based Subcommittee
- State Substance Abuse Strategic Plan Subcommittee
The workgroup is comprised of members from...
If you would like to become a member of the SEOW, please complete the following form.