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Binge Drinking Binge Drinking (Ages 12+)

The percentage of people ages 12+ reporting drinking five or more drinks on an occasion at least one time in the past 30 days.

95% Upper C.I. (Wyoming)25%25%26%27%27%27%26%26%27%
95% Lower C.I. (Wyoming)21%20%21%22%23%23%22%21%23%

Note: The NSDUH researchers did not publish the data for this indicator in the 2014-2015 state-level results. The NSDUH researchers withdrew the data results related to 2020 and the next available 2021 data is only preliminary.

SOURCE: NSDUH 2009-2019

About the Data

© Wyoming Prevention Depot, a project of the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center at the University of Wyoming